<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=546568002441063&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"> Blog - Page 8 of 12 - Cedar Walk Dentistry
Itchy Gums: Causes, Relief, and PreventionApril 16, 2024Read More >>Key Takeaways: Importance of Good Oral Hygiene: Itchy gums often result from plaque buildup, which can lead to gingivitis or more serious […]
The Benefits of Dental Implant Surgical GuidesApril 7, 2024Read More >>Key Takeaways: Enhanced Precision with Surgical Guides: Dental implant surgical guides, created using advanced 3D imaging software and printed impressions, offer dentists […]
Wisdom Teeth Removed: 5 Signs You May Need to Remove YoursMarch 21, 2024Read More >>Key Takeaways: Not All Wisdom Teeth Require Removal: While wisdom teeth removal is common, it’s not necessary for everyone. If there’s enough […]

Cedar Walk

Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Blog

April 22, 2015

Staff Education Day

We recently had a day out for our office so we could attend the continuing education seminar on “Creating the Excellent Patient Experience”. […]
March 24, 2015

March Family Time

February 26, 2015

Gum Chewing: Helpful or Harmful?

When it comes to chewing gum, it’s the type of gum you chew that makes a difference in whether it’s helpful or […]
February 26, 2015

”Brush Up” at the Office

Healthy teeth affect nearly every aspect of our lives even our professional image. However, according to a survey released by the Academy […]
February 26, 2015

Sensitive Teeth

Is the taste of ice cream or a sip of hot coffee sometimes a painful experience for you? Does brushing or flossing […]
February 26, 2015

Food Friends and Foes For Your Teeth

If it’s true that you are what you eat, then it’s particularly true for your teeth and gums. When you drink sugary […]
February 26, 2015

Oral Cancer Risks and Prevention

Mouth cancer has the same meaning as oral cancer – it is cancer that occurs in any part of the mouth; on the […]
February 26, 2015

The Doctors in Cancun

Recently the Doctors took a family trip to Cancun for some rest and relaxation. During these winter months, we need to think […]
February 11, 2015

Smart Snacks for Healthy Teeth

What’s Wrong with Sugary Snacks, Anyway? Sugary snacks taste so good — but they aren’t so good for your teeth or your […]
January 15, 2015

Dry Mouth Causes and Treatments

Dry mouth is a condition that usually results from decreased production of saliva. At times, xerostomia can make it difficult to speak […]
January 15, 2015

Choosing a Dental Plan Under Affordable Care Act

Healthy teeth and gums are important for you and your children. Dental disease can affect your overall health, so it’s important that […]
January 13, 2015

Dental Health and Overall Health

The condition of your mouth is closely tied to your overall health. Find out how oral health is linked to diabetes, heart […]
December 13, 2014

2014 Holiday Painting Party

This year Cedar Walk Dentistry held our holiday party at Cajun Canvas.  We had great time creating our masterpieces as a team, but expressing our […]
November 19, 2014

Miami R&R for the Doctors

We took a short break last week and headed to Miami for some rest and relaxation before the busy dental season begins.  Now that […]
November 7, 2014

CEREC Symposium in Las Vegas

In October Dr. Rao had the pleasure to attend the 2014 CEREC Scientific Symposium in Las Vegas. Over 1000 doctors participated to […]
October 8, 2014

National Dental Hygiene Month 2014

This October, the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) and the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company are partnering together for the fifth consecutive year […]
September 18, 2014

ADA Seal Products

There are so many dental care products on the store shelves, how do you decide what’s best for you and your family […]
September 18, 2014

Dental Emergencies

Accidents happen, and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Here are […]
September 18, 2014

Food Tips

You know that what you eat directly impacts your health, and that includes the health of your teeth and gums. But it […]
September 18, 2014

Adults Over 60

Just 60 years ago, it was an assumption that as we age we would lose our natural teeth. But, that’s not the […]
September 18, 2014


Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. That’s why it’s so important to take care of it. […]